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As a Christ-centered mindset and breathwork coach, one of my initial tasks is to ask you questions that will allow me to better understand your needs.  Questions are important because how else will we know? Below are some common questions and my answers.  If there's anything I haven't covered, feel free to email or call and I'll do my best to satisfy your curiosity!

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Can I book a FREE Intake Session?

Absolutely!  I offer a free, no obligation initial session so we can discuss your needs and how I plan to meet them.

Image by Jonathan Cosens Photography

What are your fees?

I charge $65 per hourly session.  Worksheets and other materials are included.  I will be offering packages and subscriptions at a later date.

What is Coaching?

First let me tell you what coaching is NOT: coaching isn't therapy.  I'm not qualified to counsel you on deep mental or emotional issues. Coaching isn't mentoring.  I'm not going to take you under my wing and guide your life.  A coach aids clients in discovering their goals and purpose. A coach trains you in techniques and methods and trusts that you will put in the work. A coach tells you the "plays" but you have to choose to run them.

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